Thesis: Ferran Masip, G. (2020). Project based learning in product design in higher education. Doctoral thesis. Ramon Llull University. FCRIB - Communication and International Relations. Disertation available in catalan. Under spanish and english translate.
Abstract In the context of University Higher Education following Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, which establishes the organization of official university education, which will serve to implement the agreements at European level of the Bologna Declaration (1999), try to offer different higher education degrees related to Design, Degrees in Design and Higher Degrees in Artistic Education in Design in Spain. These titles have been normalized by the national verification agency ANECA and being reviewed through the autonomous agencies, the AQU in Catalonia.
Higher studies in design in higher education are being rewritten, profiled and revised, to achieve homologation, so this work right now, can be useful and consultation for the knowledge of what is and is ‘is doing, because it is a compendium of the diversity of realities.
This work represents a simple photograph, a moment’s capture, an image in movement and change. This moment of redefinition is important in all the space of higher education where decisions of changes are made and for that reason, this study can help to visualize directions.
The work reflects the current state of design studies in different centres, specifically in studies where the specialization of product design and object is realized, through the look and observation of how these lessons, deploy the subject of projects
the Fieldwork is developed in the real map of the main centres that carry out related studies and a case analysis of 12 representative centres, where the pedagogical model is investigated, deepening in how the subject of projects is developed through the information of their guides teachers, how the subjects of the subject of projects are carried out, what methodologies and statements are done throughout their courses.
The methodology of the work has been to search with different sources, documentaries and personal, completing the information with interviews in different profiles: heads of study, coordinators of the product or object speciality, to project coordinators, in house and invited professors, professionals and pioneers to finish completing the current state. It has been completed with questionnaires made in the entire universe of Coordinators and Professors.
The work, together with the theoretical framework and fieldwork, allows us to understand and understand the approaches and how projects are distributed in different design centres and schools to know the current state of the studies and establish the bases for to a theory of design education project-based.